Eicio are elemental souls who are kept anchored to the world by a host body. Where one might expect the player to be the body for the Eicio of Crudilex, it is more accurate that they are playing as the soul, a magical, physical, elemental spirit that projects out of a host body to take part in adventures.
The body acts as a vessel that holds you, the Eicio soul, inside. However, keeping such a powerful being inside is taxing on the body, which causes it to become very weak, little stronger than a wizard’s familiar.
Air Eicio Lineage Traits
Creature Type: You are a Humanoid and an Elemental.
Size: You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you gain this lineage.
Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Astral Projection: As part of a movement action, you may enter or exit your anchor body. Upon projecting yourself from your host body, you assume a stormy airy form within 5 feet of your body.
While Astral Projecting, you may spend a bonus action to have your Anchor Body perform simple tasks, such as pulling a lever, opening a door, etc., or move up to its movement speed. While your spirit is not contained inside its anchor, the anchor cannot attack or cast spells, and they can communicate only in zombie-like, wordless grunts.
Both bodies use your statistics and share a single pool of hit points. If you are beyond 180 feet of your anchor body while in spirit form, you take a level of exhaustion every 24 hours, as forcing your astral tether to such distances will cause you to sicken and, eventually, die.
Aspect of Air: While Astral Projecting, your form becomes that of a living, whirling cloud or small tornado, and you gain the ability to levitate up to 20 feet from any surface below you.
Auran Drift: While Astral Projecting, you may, as a bonus action, decrease your weight until you are as light as a feather, causing you to drift listlessly in the air, defying gravity. If you were already moving when you use this ability, you continue in the same direction at a speed of 15 feet per round, until you stop or end this ability as part of a movement action. Otherwise, you float in the air unmoving, drifting slowly downward at a speed of 5 feet every 10 minutes.
At 8th level, you can use this ability while within your anchor body.