Supplements for TTRPG games are usually about vast cities, countries, and sometimes, even whole worlds, but The Glassway introduces a new concept: what if we took a single street and examined everything about it? What if we met everyone on it, learned every story and visited every single market stall? The goal of The Glassway is to create a vibrant, entertaining hub with lots to explore and uncover, to add spice to the sometimes-dreaded “shopping session” by making it more rewarding and suffusing it with more and better roleplay!
The Black Market between worlds
The Glassway
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Inbetween Elseworlds
The Glassway is mysterious demi-plane that is an alleyway between worlds. A black market for all manner of strange, alien, and otherworldly beings, who are all ready to sell and barter all manner of rare items and artifacts not seen anywhere else.
The Glassway is a narrow alley, tightly packed and crowded between looming buildings. Finding a deliberate path to The Glassway is a carefully guarded secret. Many outsiders sometimes accidentally get lost in the side streets of a large city and emerge in the Ninoten Loop, or the back door of the bashful Basana Tavern.
Within The Glassway, a magical black market thrives, where everything imaginable can be bought and sold. Here, spacemen donning fishbowl helmets barter with awakened mushroom humanoids, cowboys discuss leather chaps with Bigfoot, and a retired Hag enjoys tea with her closest friend, a hivemind of cats. The Glassway serves as the backstage break room for every fantasy and fictional setting imaginable. A myriad of magical beings and oddities congregates here, spending their off-time basking in the warm rainbow of light cast by the hanging lanterns.
Around Glassway
The Glassway is stunning, so chock-full of infinite, dazzling sights and awe-inspiring bizarrities that it becomes impossible to reach your destination without forcing yourself to ignore them. If you stopped to examine every curiosity that caught your eye, you would never make it down the road, let alone back to the reality you left. Lights, both magical and technological, light up stall after stall, each with colorful wares and strange, alien patrons.
Titan Skull Plaza
The plaza boasts a massive, 40-foot-tall skull and hand that erupt directly out of the cobblestone of the lower half of The Glassway. While no one is absolutely sure of its origin, and the story often changes, it is generally believed the Titan phased upward through the Underglass and became corporeal, before fully emerging from the ground, rapping and killing it. Some say it was a creature native to the between-place The Glassway exists in.
The Ninoten Loop
An oval comprised of many multi-colored stalls and smaller shops, the Loop is the heart of the alley and is so named for its circular layout and the fey spirits called Ninoten. This area of The Glassway is full of oddities of fey and sylvanfolk. Hags, Witches, oracles, and monster vendors alike all offer strange seemingly innocuous trades.Many stalls sell wears, bargaining in promises and pounds of flesh.
Overhead, fairy lights flutter among the neon lanterns that bathe the Loop in every color of light, painting a beautiful scene awash in the scent of Wilder flowers and troll stink. For some, the prices here may seem high, but one can find almost anything they may need among the stalls.
Salt Quarter
The sub-market of The Glassway is dedicated to food. The medley of aromas here is a combination of a fish market, a spice rack, and a perfume aisle at a department store. It assaults the senses with smells that are both pleasant and overwhelming. Salt-quarter stalls sell cuisine belonging to cultures from infinite worlds.
Erected in his vanity, the mad king of The Glassway, King Bukko, had a heroic statue depicting him kneeling in a knightly fashion constructed in the center of the eastern plaza. While it was intended to make the denizens of The Glassway admire, it serves instead as a reminder of the level of delusion their “king” really holds and to remember to be on guard in his presence.
King’s Perch

Obsidian Road
Running through the center of the alley is a road made of smooth, obsidian glass, from which the alley takes its name. None of The Glassway’s consumers seem to walk on it. Most, in fact, outright avoid it. If you take a moment to observe this empty road, you see strange, spectral forms, like transparent holograms walking or riding on carts, seemingly oblivious to the magical alley they walk through.
A few bridges cross over the road, allowing consumers to cross safely over the divide created by the obsidian road and avoid accidentally ending up in another plane. This road, like all the alleyways of The Glassway, connects to all the roads of every world and reality. Those walking it pass safely along their road in their world, oblivious to the transplanar travel they are actively partaking in. However, on rare occasions, some of these travelers step off the road and find themselves lost from their companions, now trapped in The Glassway.
The Scholar's Court
In the southwestern corner of the alley is a large, magical clock at the center of a narrow plaza. It has strange symbols and many nested circles, all of which are counting down to an event only a select few know of. This portion of The Glassway is known for holding many scholarly tomes, spells, and all manner of knowledge from all across the Elseworlds. It is here, under the magical lanterns and many festive lights, that the scholars of The Glassway gather.
Bottomless Pit
Located on the Northeastern corner of the alley is a shop, a tent, really, perched atop some wooden beams and platforms,that rests at the edge of The Glassway’s bottomless pit. The shop, Herzel’s Pocket is described in more detail on Page 70 The pit connects down to Underglass and acts as the means of disposal for anything in The Glassway that needs to disappear.

The Black Market
The Northwestern quarter of The Glassway is home to the beggars, people who have traveled willingly or otherwise into The Glassway and are now trapped. The region is destitute and is rarely policed by the Cinderbone Guard, who serve King Bukko. While this might initially seem like a bad thing, this is exactly as those who live in this area prefer it. It enables them to both avoid the senseless, logic-defying rules of The Glassway, and smuggle goods with ease. While it may seem more rundown and less welcoming than other areas, most of the people in the Black Market quite prefer it!

A8. The Enchanter
The northwestern plaza of The Glassway is simply referred to as “The Enchanter,” since the entire area is so thoroughly dominated by the shop of the same name. Its few stalls are bathed in a mix of the amber glow of lantern light and the sickly green that emanates from a massive demonic face, whose open mouth marks the entrance to the magical shop of the illustrious Enchanter.
The Enchanter is easily the most powerful magic user and legendary figure in The Glassway. He appears to be an undead Pross who floats about and delights in mischief and misfortune, though never actively causing it. His shop is notable for the massive monster-faced door and glowing runes. Inside the shop, a huge, glowing green sigil fills most of the floor, with a large anvil at its heart. The Enchanter flits around the shop midair, quipping and striking exaggerated poses. The shop is also heavily supplied with enchantment orbs, which, when shattered over a non-magical item, enchant said item.
A7. Arcane Armaments
Borin was once the general of the city of A'teran and served its Princess. When a warlord threatened the city, and Borin offered advice, the princess appointed his less-experienced brother, Gazwin, as commander, which led to the fall of A’Teran. Wracked with anger and regret, Borin set to a life of wandering. He ended up in The Glassway, where now he leads a simple life, honing the craft of enchanting armor. His ultimate goal is to create the perfect armor, which he will then use to return to Crudilex and defeat his brother. Borin delights in testing his armor and may be convinced to offer a discount if a character would don his armor and test its strength.
A16. Otherworldly Exports
Lost in a temporal storm that crashed her plane over Bermuda in 1943, American fighter pilot Burma Shey now works in a shop selling goods that fall through a captured storm that roils inside a cloud, which is contained by a trans-reality orrery. She eagerly waits for a radio signal to her own world to hone in on. For now, she makes a meager living here in The Glassway. This shop sells things not found anywhere else, mainly because they come from everywhere else. Shame that storm cloud is a one-way trip. Burma lives here with a Corinth knight that tends the shop while she is out.
A22. Bardic Delights
Momisha is a soft-spoken Pith who is on a journey of self-discovery many Pith partake in. On her travels, she found music and has since taken to it more than her original goal of the journey: experience. She owns a magical music store that sells arcane bottles, which are capable of capturing songs. The bottles can be uncorked and their songs listened to or consumed and learned. Famously, bards travel to The Glassway to sell their original songs to Momisha for 150 gold per song.
A22. Shine’s Extinct Plants
Shine is a botanist in The Glassway. He sells rare and extinct plants from all across the Elseworlds. He has been granted divine powers from a god who took him their champion. Shine was previously not a worshiper of any kind and does not even know which god has chosen him. The shopkeep grapples with this crisis of faith while trying to maintain his simple, peaceful life as a keeper of unique plants.

A2. Evergreens
Nestled in a back corner of The Glassway exists a shop of anachronistic design with items and objects from across the Elseworlds decorating its interior. Hidden in a difficult-to-access portion of the alley, Evergreens is often overlooked. This shop accepts no coin, but offers something that raises many an eyebrow.
The owner is a mysterious figure who stands with their back to shelves of glowing green vials, casting them in an impregnable silhouette, obscuring their form completely. If the shop is entered, they remain silent and still until addressed, offering a motion for their visitors to take one of the potion bottles on the shelf. Each is oddly labeled with phrases ranging from, “My First Sunset” to “My Entire 25th Year of Life.” Drinking these vials is said to transport you to the on the label, allowing you to experience it in its entirety, before you return to the instant the potion touched your lips as if no time had passed. Who can say the cost, though? Who can say?
The merchant does not speak. They sell potions that, when drunk, allow you to experience a snapshot of someone else’s life. Each potion contains memories and experiences of varying lengths, up to a full year’s worth. The drinker is fully immersed in their experience, before snapping back to reality, where an instant is all that has passed.
The merchant is a frail aasimar, banished from their pantheon in a world where all beings are divine and control everything. Their exile was so extreme that they were banished from that entire plane of reality. Now, they trade memories and experiences with the hope of finding the right collection of memories that would allow them to construct their own Elseworlds, where they would be as a god—a task that may take eons, if even possible at all.
A5. The Carcosa Theater
Off the Eastern Square, with its entrance tucked back in a colorful lantern-lit side street, is the Carcosa Theater. Patrons pay to enter and see the theater’s single show: The King in Yellow, starring The Glassway’s resident Elder Horror, Hastur, in a one-monster show, playing all parts. After seeing the show, critics rave… stark mad.
The door to the Carcosa Theater looks like any other along the alleyways of Glassway. So, it’s best to be careful when exploring, as you know that unless one intends to hear part of the stage production, they will be driven mad.

A1. The Bashful Basana
The only tavern in The Glassway, The Bashful Basana is always lively and full of adventurers and strange beings from across the infinite multiverse who are taking a moment to distress and relax. The tavern is three stories tall and features a small stage, walls lined with trophies of alien creatures and weapons, and two floors’ worth of tables and chairs for patrons. Despite the many, many tables and chairs, The Bashful Basana’s patrons far outnumber them; the tavern is always absolutely packed.
The tavern is owned by a set of twins, Treasure and Darling Gallowhallow, who have pale skin, stark white hair and seem to have enough charm to fall into the good graces of anyone they meet. Funny, aloof, and hedonistic, the twins run the tavern at a fairly steep loss, because they prefer a good time over pure profit.
Trea Gallowhallow
Trea is the tavernkeeper of The Bashful Basana. He was permanently possessed by a murderous phantom when he and his sister attempted to enter the City of Ghosts. While he maintains complete control of the spirit inside of him, it sometimes breaks free for brief moments, casting him in a horrible, rictus grin, and whispers terrible things. Regulars of the tavern have come to simply ignore it. Trea dreams of one day being able to return to the City of Ghosts and reunite with his mother, Diri.
Darling Gallowhallow
Darling, after her brother became cursed, settled the two of them here in The Glassway. They run The Bashful Basana and make a decent amount of money. In addition to her work as tavernkeeper, Darling runs a secret smuggling operation, smuggling magical items out of The Glassway and into the hands of buyers all over Crudilex. Her end goal is raising enough money to try to venture into the City of Ghosts again—more prepared this time. However, her criminal acts are under investigation by King Bukko, who has strict rules about individual purchases.
A13. Spatterpak’s Wondrous Confectionery
Spatterpak the Mimsy is a glowing being from the realm of dreams, Nocturne. The dream that spawned them into being was one of unrepentant joy and giving, and they carry this vibrant, generous essence into The Glassway. It is unknown how they manage to stay in business, as everything sold in their entire confectionery candy store is completely free. Every evening, the market stall that adjoins their window flies open, and Spatterpak throws magnificent armfuls of candy and treats to the children of The Glassway.
A28. Hedge Your Bets
Hedge Your Bets operates as a cross-world fence, buying and trading in all manner of stolen goods. Inside are stacks and stacks of locked chests and nailed-shut cargo boxes covered in dripping candles. The unique aspect of Hedge Your Bets is its complete lack of a shopkeep. In reality, the storehouse itself is sentient and is constantly trying to acquire more storage. It will buy just about anything!
This shop buys everything, but especially prefers stolen items. However, it never offers more than 200 gold, regardless of what is being sold.

A26. Sepiente’s Scrolls
The scroll shop may, at first glance, appear to be completely untended, but shoppers move about, pursuing the well-stocked bookshelves and their spellbooks and magical tomes. Cats wander absolutely everywhere throughout the store, lounging in piles of scrolls, feet dangling from the rafters.
A shopper seems to talk to one of the cats at a table, and it speaks back to them. It collects payment in a coin purse in its mouth, before leaping up to the rafters as the patron leaves.
The shop is run by a group of 15 hive-minded felines, each with a pair of glowing yellow eyes. Collectively, they refer to themselves as Sapientie.
A34. Monstrous Menagerie
The menagerie has two floors and sells eggs and pup monsters for about 200 gold, depending on the beast. All kinds of creatures come and go through this shop and never stay for long. Monsters from all over the Elseworlds, with various levels of domesticity, size, and temperament. Notably, this is one of the few shops with access to the sewers below the alley.
A19. Corpse Eater’s Bodies and Bones
When you die, you have to go somewhere, even in The Glassway. Well, the alley is too small to house a graveyard, and throwing bodies in the bottomless pit seems like such a waste. Enter Corpse Eater, a Pross Possum Necromancer who will pay for the bodies of the newly dead and break them down for parts, selling any bits someone might need! He is well known and largely avoided in The Glassway, as most do not agree with the grisly salvage of the dead, but cannot argue with the enterprise. Capitalism is king in The Glassway—after Bukko, of course.

A10. Peepers
The Hag, Auntie Yana, sports knee-length white hair and a pair of black spectacles. She sits in a rocking chair behind her stall, knitting. On the counter of the stall are ten tall jars filled with thousands of eyeballs of a whole spectrum of vibrant color. As you approach, they snap their focus to you. Eyeballs tied with twine dangle from the top of the stall and focus on you with the same unearthly, unsettling fixation. Auntie Yana once belonged to a coven with two Hags, Nanny, and Arush. After a falling out with her sisters that turned violent, she escaped to The Glassway.
In exchange for your own eyes and 750 gold, you can get a new pair of eyes in any color belonging to any race.
A14. Bottlebender
This magical shop sells ships in a bottle that, when opened, release a full-sized sailing ship. But not just ships! Any vehicles or travel beasts can be bound to Bottlebender’s bottles and carried in a bag or backpack! Upon re-corking the bottle, the vehicles shrink and return to the bottle for your carrying convenience.
A30. Tablerough
Hidden in the northern alleyways of The Glassway is a very secretive shop. In fact, few are ever even allowed inside. Through its shuttered windows, one would see tiny, flickering lights illuminating the only object in the small building: a table, on top of which is an entire town that consists of buildings, streets, and even a farm. This secretive tiny town is Tablerough, and once a week, an elderly wizard stands outside of the shop, offering to turn people tiny to “get away from it all.” Living in Tablerough is idyllic, with one exception: the rat-riding barbarian tribes of the Floor Barrens.

A25. Wands and Staves
From the outside, the wands and staves store appears very plain and dull. However, on the inside, it is a massive, lavish, estate-like environment. Staves line the walls on golden rings, and wands are displayed in ornate glass cases on tables. The owner, a moon-headed creature named Somnium, smiles eerily at newcomers as they enter. This being is of the Realm of Dreams and has the same dreamlike behavior common to that realm. His movements are cartoonish, and his voice is wacky.
A mage might realize the entire shop is awash in plentiful illusions. If, somehow, one could see through them, they would see that Somnium is only about 2 inches tall.
A32. Beggar’s Hovel
Tucked just north of the Ninoten Loop, the first building you pass as you enter the slums of North Glassway is the Beggar’s Hovel. Its name was given by the cruel King Bukko, as it is one of few empty buildings that people trapped in The Glassway can go to and stay in safely without needing currency of any kind. It is here that all the lost and stranded in The Glassway gather. For one reason or another, they are all unable to earn a merchant’s Boon, so they work together, helping strangers, scrounging and working for small amounts of money, and ultimately, hoping to find a task that a merchant would be willing to give their Boon for.
Skulls and Goblets Noodle Stand
While many other similar stalls and shops pop up every now and then in the Food Market of Salt Quarter, Skulls and Goblets remains due to popular demand and has become a staple of The Glassway. Its wonderful flavors are well known, and it is always busy its—line that sometimes stretches out into Titan Skull Plaza. "There are some merchants and vendors who claim it's bad luck to visit The Glassway without obtaining the dire boar Tonkasu.
A35. Dream Den
The Infernal demon Inesco is a powerful incubus who feeds upon the corruption of dreams and fantasies. His very presence emanates seduction and enticement to sin, causing those in close vicinity to him to feel drunk or high on temptation. With the sudden departure of their morality and higher cognitive brain functions, patrons are further enticed to partake in Inesco’s offerings and lose themselves entirely to vivid dreams of their deepest desires.
Patrons may request a dream from Inesco, and he will lead them to rest on a comfortable couch in his colorful, smoke-filled den. With a drag from one of the nearby hookahs, the world falls away around them, and they sink into a world created by their darkest desires.
However, the more a patron partakes, the more the dreams corrupt, becoming wicked and eventually warping the very desires that drew them in. The corruption does not just affect the patrons’ fantasies, though; over time, the patrons become just as sinful, debauched, and iniquitous as Inesco himself.
A18. Gauge Prosthesis Machinist
Just off Titan Skull Plaza, in the southern side of The Glassway, there is a shop selling mechanical limbs. These mechanical body parts restore and often enhance the abilities of those who can afford them. While there are 4 kinds of Gauge in the lands of Crudilex, in The Glassway, only one is available; a more traditional mechanical limb with simple augmentations, like built-in tools and simple weapons.
For 2000 gold, the Gauge Machinist can replace a lost limb or appendage with a mechanical replacement that provides a +1 bonus to the user's AC. Alternatively, for 5500 gold, a Gauge limb can be installed, offering the benefits of a feat chosen upon the creation of the Gauge. In both cases, the limb requires an attunement slot to function properly, offering benefits beyond that of a regular prosthetic.
A24. The Door Store
The door dealer’s shop is hard to miss. Dangling signs display “The Door Store” on them, and notably, the entrances are both beaded curtains. The Goblin master artificer and demi-plane arcanist, Grizzywald Doordealer, has just had a breakthrough in his creation of a door that, when properly powered, can create pocket dimensions.

A31. Aeioul and Sometimes Y
A merchant of trade, Aeioul is one of a number of simulacra who wander the world, seeking rare and valuable arcane antiques and collecting them to return here. Aeioul is odd, one of 6 identical, androgynous individuals each named after a vowel: A, E, I, O, U, and Y. They all move in tandem and are never more than a few feet apart.
Their business is equally odd in that they will not sell their magic items. Aeioul only trades one magic item for an item of equal or lower rarity. Sometimes, they put on special deals, where they will trade these items for strange and extremely specific things, like stones or tea cozies. Whenever they do so, patrons of the alley call such events, “Days of Madness," due to the excitement and fervor the sales bring.
A17. The Storestore
This small storefront specializes in selling deeds to shops and stores throughout Crudilex. It's operated by an elderly aarakocra sporting a single monocle and adopting an obviously fake and outlandish accent. His plume of feathers is particularly bushy around his beak and the back of his head, resembling wild and wispy hair. He completes his distinctive look with a blue waistcoat and a gold pocket watch in the breast pocket.
Ida’s notes
During my first time in The Glassway, I said, “sell everything? What does that mean?” Then I saw a store that sells stores. So, my first question was answered, and that was the beginning of many, many more.
A21. The Candlestick Geist
On the east side of the alley lies a broken-down storefront, haunted by a Candlestick Geist bound in chains. If adventurers leave a token of appreciation, it will light its candle, which will guide them to just about anything in The Glassway they may be looking for.
They must be careful, though, for if they somehow discern its true nature, it may attack. If destroyed, it vanishes back to the City of Ghosts in Purgatory and will return to The Glassway the following midnight.
A3. Blackvault Bank and Currency Exchange
The shop is a simple stone building with an iron cage protecting a small pile of coins. It is staffed by a medium-sized Awakened golden statue of a dwarf. Though it cannot move, it can speak and manipulate physical forms of currency with an Unseen Servant.
Coin and tender are not used concurrently across all ancestries and cultures. There are many planes whose currencies are promises, blood, Fey pacts, years of life, or any other manner of deal beings across the Elseworlds may use. The Blackvault Bank has set up a storefront, where for a small fee, one can easily trade any form of currency or trade for coin useful to them.
B1. Glassway Natives
While there are not many locals who live exclusively in The Glassway, some locations have been set aside, or more often, simply claimed, as residential housing. Many of these places are destitute and completely crumbling. There is little in the between dimension of The Glassway other than shops, and without resources to draw on or a steady position as a merchant, most natives in The Glassway suffer in squalor.
A11. The Heart Mender
This shop, right against the confectionery, is one of The Glassway’s lesser known locations, best known for helping visitors find their true love. The Heart Mender actually specializes in helping wounded love recover by magically linking the minds of two partners to travel into each other’s dreams and learn their innermost needs and desires. While often this forges and strengthens bonds between two beings, it can just as easily end in disaster.
A4. Herzel’s Pocket
Herman is a kindly old gnome who hails from a massive family spanning all over the Elseworlds. Many of his family members come to stay here at his shop, a massive tent that covers a bottomless pit, while traversing through The Glassway between them.
Herzel is eccentric and specializes in creating pocket dimensions. His main product is his own invention, the Demi-Pocket, a single-item Bag of Holding which can be designed in a handful of various styles. He works above the bottomless pit because its magical energy is potent and useful in the creation of pocket dimension.
A29. The Spaceman
A mysterious figure in The Glassway, this fishbowl-helmeted figure wanders the market stalls in a full vintage sci-fi style spacesuit, seemingly looking for a specific stall but never finding it. The Spaceman always returns to the secretive shop in the northwestern-most corner of The Glassway, buried deep back in The Black Market, but when patrons enter the shop, he is never there. Inside the shop are scientific instruments and equipment any advanced Elseworlder might be looking for, all sold by the cryo-frozen body in a tank in the shop, who speaks only through the shop's many computer monitors. Some believe this person to be the Spaceman, but no one knows for sure.
A12. Larry the Cursed
Once a conman from a world consumed by late-stage capitalism, Larry lived as all people did in his world, a life of absolute selfishness and greed. When he found himself in The Glassway, he learned quickly that such greediness is not the norm for the Elseworlds and saw an infinite multi-dimension of countless marks. However, his schemes caught the attention of King Bukko, and his punishment was a powerful curse from the demigod. Larry must sell two completely useless items each day, until he has earned enough coin to match the amount he scammed for. If he fails to do so by the end of the day, his current debt doubles. He cannot die, and he cannot leave The Glassway. His debt upon meeting the players sits at 908,076 gold.
A23. Kal’s Alchemy
The alchemist known as Kal is a massive Half-Orc, a 7-foot-tall wall of muscle and flesh. Kal is a potions master, perhaps the very best in the Elseworlds, but has a nasty habit of testing his potions on himself. Kal is a wanted fugitive in his world of origin for his crimes of cruelty in the name of discovery. He has an impressive bounty in his head, which he totes as a badge of honor, and proudly hangs the newest version in a frame on the shop wall.
A36. Zella’s Small Tales
On the southern side of the market is an inviting shop that smells of baked bread and is filled with smiles and laughter. Inside, well-worn sofas and chairs line the walls between densely packed, vibrant plants. Here, you can find Zella the Fox. Hailing from a world of sentient animal creatures, Zella is a young and adventurous fox, who once wandered the entire expanse of her world. Eventually, exploring her world was not enough, and she found her way to The Glassway, where she now trades stories from her world for stories from others, so that, eventually, she might decide which world she should explore next.
In addition, she he brought the magical Aarinlight flower from her native world, said to awaken animals such as herself.
A9. The Curio
Tightly packed, more of a hoard than a shop, The Curio has many strange and odd artifacts of kinds you will always be surprised to find. There is no easy way to find anything in this largely unvisited shop of The Glassway. If one managed to shuffle through the pile to the back of the shop, they would locate its patron, Professor Guzmen, a knowledgeable expert in many topics of the macabre and arcane.
Professor Guzmen himself is a large brain inside of a jar. He sits atop a large table, surrounded by over 100 books, all open and facing the jar on pedestals, propped up by piles, or leaning against other books. Upon first meeting him, he offers a 1 silver discount if the party will turn all the books' pages for him.
Digging through the Curio might result in any number of strange items and trinkets. For 5 silver, a player can roll on the Trinkets table located on page 159 of the Player’s Handbook. These items all came from across the Elseworlds and could either hold incredible power, or be absolutely useless. Most bear small enchantments..
An enterprising adventurer might even strike gold and find a magical item, or even something they once lost among the pile, but there is no guarantee. All that can be certain is there is too much to look at in a single visit.
A33. Zaverirak the Whisperer
Outside of a building with no windows is a lone stall belonging to a woman who captures wayward souls in the Elseworlds and sells them. One such soul she possesses is that of an infernal demon. For the right price, she will unlock the door and allow you to enter.
A15. Petrichor’s Planartarium
This building is not so much a storefront as it is a scientific laboratory. The elderly wizard, Petrichor, donned in blue and gold robes with a long beard that drops to his waist, spends his days peering into the magical acrno-tech telescope that rises off the top of the building. It is said that one can look through it and see anywhere in the Elseworlds as though they were peering down through the clouds of that realm. The wizard allows patrons to look back and see their home worlds for a gold piece each.
A36. Maximillion’s House of Deals
Maximillion is a shadow demon soul-broker from the Void, who betrayed his kind to fuel the umbral-infernal war. Profiteering off the conflict, Maximillion sells demonic secrets to either side, forms pacts with mortals, and as a promise, he can get anyone anything in 48 hours.
Max is very open and friendly, but maintains a businesslike manner and an air of transaction. He dresses quite nicely, but is usually in a state of dishevelment and disarray.
His primary role in The Glassway is using his abyssal connections to get his patrons things they need. He moves about the world by magically traveling between doors that bear his symbol.