The Mimsy
Born of the most creative dreams and imaginings, the Mimsy are the personification of dreams and are natives of the world of sleep, Nocturne. While in their realm they are magnificent and jester-like beings, clad in campy and ostentatious outfits. Everything in Nocturne is theatrical, as their realm is the theater of dreams. However, things get complicated when not in their home plane of Nocturne. Usually, the reason for Mimsy venturing into the waking world is to act on the desire to seek out the being that dreamt them into reality, their creator. As dreams, though, Mimsy cannot exist in the waking world, so they must take on a specific form, that of a small stuffed animal-like creature.
Racial Traits
Size: Your size is Small.
Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Emotional Apparition: Your appearance as a Mimsy is determined largely by the idea you represent and your current mood. You may cast the Disguise Self spell a number of times equal to your Proficiency modifier per long rest. Additionally, any illusory changes made to your body or non-armor clothing become real.
Back to Nocturne: Mimsy do not sleep. Instead, their bodies vanish in a cloud of confetti, and they return to Nocturne. While in the realm of Nocturne, their bodies reenergize from the magic of dreams, giving them the benefits of 8 hours of rest within a 4-hour period.
Dreamwalk: A Mimsy can use an action to vanish into the dreams of any sleeping creature within 5 feet by casting the spell Dream at will. However, when the spell is used this way, the spell can neither affect the creature’s rest or deal damage to the creature.
Bound in sleep: A Mimsy always knows the direction of, the emotional state, and well-being of the one who dreamt them into being while that creature is sleeping.
Jester’s Japes: Illusion school spells you cast that have a duration longer than 6 seconds (One round) last twice as long and have a casting range twice as far.