The Orc
Orcs of Crudilex are not warriors or savages. They generally belong to a culture that is deeply spiritual and island-faring. This is because they possess potent, powerful souls which rarely move on after death, generally becoming ghosts that possess either a totem or the person who slew them.
Orcs of Crudilex tend to have green skin with blue undertones, and they stand head and shoulders above the average human. Many choose their clothing based upon the nation their parents belong to from among the three.
Racial Traits
Size: Your size is Medium or Small.
Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Potent Soul: You have proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, Insight, History, Medicine, Nature, Religion, and Survival. Additionally, when you die, you cannot be returned to life by normal magical means, as your soul becomes a ghost.
Close with Spirits: You are immune to fear, charm, and possession effects from undead creatures.
Ancestral Nation (Choose one):
Child of Nu’Lagi: The Lagi Nation’s heritage endows you with a relationship with the sky. Once per long rest, as a reaction, you become immune to damage taken from falling. At 5th level, you may also use this ability on a number of other creatures you are in physical contact with equal to your proficiency modifier.
Child of Ansa’Galu: The Galu Nation’s heritage endows you with a relationship with the sea. You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, you have proficiency with water vehicles. At 5th level, you may also grant water-breathing for 8 hours to a number of creatures equal to your proficiency modifier, including yourself.
Child of Mau’Afi: The Afi Nation’s heritage endows you with a relationship with the earth. You know the Mold Earth cantrip. Additionally, when you cast Mold Earth, you can move stone in addition to loose earth.