Tortles are the longest-lived mortal race of Crudilex. With a lifespan of 10,000 years, they are older than the world of Crudilex itself. They are natural empaths with the ability to connect on a spiritual level with people and the world around them.
The iron-shelled, leathery, green-skinned Tortles are among the most well-known across Crudilex, as they are among its most well-regarded diplomats. They are beyond long-lived; as far as is understood, they are immortal and cannot die of old age. The oldest among their number is as old as the world itself, and among their people, it is said that they will live as long as the world does, and be its Shepherd.
Racial Traits
Size: Your size is Medium or small.
Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a swimming speed of 50 feet.
Soul Attunement: You can attune to a creature as you would a magic item during a long rest. While attuned this way, when your attuned creature takes damage, you can choose to take half the damage that creature would take as a reaction. Additionally, you can speak with them telepathically, and you always know the direction of a soul you have attuned lies in.
One with the world: As part of a short rest, you can connect with the land. When you do so, you, and any souls you currently have attuned, gain 1d12 temporary hit points. As long as a creature has temporary hit points gained this way they have advantage on survival checks.
Shell Armor: You have resistance to slashing and Piercing damage.