Crowcover Inn
At the edge of the frontier on the crossroads sits the last tavern for at least two weeks in any direction. The Crowcover Inn. Best to stop in and enjoy a drink and a hot meal because its bedrolls and jerky from here forward.
“Relius is such a unique family name. I’ve only heard it once before, belonging to one Saint Relius. But surely, this generous, happy-go-lucky host is not the self-proclaimed purifier of the dead and leader of the undead-hunting plague doctors. It would be a long journey from necromancer-hunting fanatic to humble barkeep.”
- Ida Holly. Ida’s Guide to Worlds Beyond Our Own.
The two-floor inn stands on a lonely crossroads — the only building for miles. It looks to have once been a vibrant, popular place, but now it is completely empty and just a step away from run-down. It has an open stable on the side, covered by the second floor overhang.
It is much nicer inside, with bright red drapes hanging over an open vaulted ceiling. Soft record music plays from a Gramophone, and a soft hum emits from three large industrial machines, which appear to be brewing different drinks.
At the bar, a single patron, a Fallen Elf, sits at the counter, behind which an elderly human man cleans a glass. Both regard the characters as they enter but otherwise pay no mind.
Crowcover Inn was once famous, as its founder was a well known adventurer. He had the tavern built many decades ago, out in the most isolated part of the world he could find so that people would have to “earn” its shelter. It has since become a local spot to escape the Phantom Rain and a popular place for hunters to meet up, but otherwise, it mostly stands empty.
At the edge of the frontier on the crossroads sits the last tavern for at least two weeks in any direction. The Crowcover Inn. Best to stop in and enjoy a drink and a hot meal because its bedrolls and jerky from here forward.
“Relius is such a unique family name. I’ve only heard it once before, belonging to one Saint Relius. But surely, this generous, happy-go-lucky host is not the self-proclaimed purifier of the dead and leader of the undead-hunting plague doctors. It would be a long journey from necromancer-hunting fanatic to humble barkeep.”
- Ida Holly. Ida’s Guide to Worlds Beyond Our Own.
The two-floor inn stands on a lonely crossroads — the only building for miles. It looks to have once been a vibrant, popular place, but now it is completely empty and just a step away from run-down. It has an open stable on the side, covered by the second floor overhang.
It is much nicer inside, with bright red drapes hanging over an open vaulted ceiling. Soft record music plays from a Gramophone, and a soft hum emits from three large industrial machines, which appear to be brewing different drinks.
At the bar, a single patron, a Fallen Elf, sits at the counter, behind which an elderly human man cleans a glass. Both regard the characters as they enter but otherwise pay no mind.
Crowcover Inn was once famous, as its founder was a well known adventurer. He had the tavern built many decades ago, out in the most isolated part of the world he could find so that people would have to “earn” its shelter. It has since become a local spot to escape the Phantom Rain and a popular place for hunters to meet up, but otherwise, it mostly stands empty.

At the edge of the frontier on the crossroads sits the last tavern for at least two weeks in any direction. The Crowcover Inn. Best to stop in and enjoy a drink and a hot meal because its bedrolls and jerky from here forward.
“Relius is such a unique family name. I’ve only heard it once before, belonging to one Saint Relius. But surely, this generous, happy-go-lucky host is not the self-proclaimed purifier of the dead and leader of the undead-hunting plague doctors. It would be a long journey from necromancer-hunting fanatic to humble barkeep.”
- Ida Holly. Ida’s Guide to Worlds Beyond Our Own.
The two-floor inn stands on a lonely crossroads — the only building for miles. It looks to have once been a vibrant, popular place, but now it is completely empty and just a step away from run-down. It has an open stable on the side, covered by the second floor overhang.
It is much nicer inside, with bright red drapes hanging over an open vaulted ceiling. Soft record music plays from a Gramophone, and a soft hum emits from three large industrial machines, which appear to be brewing different drinks.
At the bar, a single patron, a Fallen Elf, sits at the counter, behind which an elderly human man cleans a glass. Both regard the characters as they enter but otherwise pay no mind.
Crowcover Inn was once famous, as its founder was a well known adventurer. He had the tavern built many decades ago, out in the most isolated part of the world he could find so that people would have to “earn” its shelter. It has since become a local spot to escape the Phantom Rain and a popular place for hunters to meet up, but otherwise, it mostly stands empty.