Cyberpunk Apartments
In the dark Cyberpunk future you will surprise yourself at the lengths you will go to afford even the worst of living conditions. Megabuilding apartment towers provide more spacious accommodations for the low price of sharing an elevator with thousands of other people.
“Still cheaper than a studio downtown.” - CyberIda holly
Cyberpunk Apartments! A battlemap set on the 1203 floor of a massive residential mega structure. Containing bodegas, Night clubs, Hacker Lairs, and Drug dens! Everything you need towering above the city below. Never go outside again!
This map contains 11 variations, Each in a Cyberpunk vibe. Inspired by Night City but kept open as to fit into any Dark future or sci-fi setting. Perhaps it’s a criminal satellite or a building in the seeder parts of coruscant!
In the dark Cyberpunk future you will surprise yourself at the lengths you will go to afford even the worst of living conditions. Megabuilding apartment towers provide more spacious accommodations for the low price of sharing an elevator with thousands of other people.
“Still cheaper than a studio downtown.” - CyberIda holly
Cyberpunk Apartments! A battlemap set on the 1203 floor of a massive residential mega structure. Containing bodegas, Night clubs, Hacker Lairs, and Drug dens! Everything you need towering above the city below. Never go outside again!
This map contains 11 variations, Each in a Cyberpunk vibe. Inspired by Night City but kept open as to fit into any Dark future or sci-fi setting. Perhaps it’s a criminal satellite or a building in the seeder parts of coruscant!

In the dark Cyberpunk future you will surprise yourself at the lengths you will go to afford even the worst of living conditions. Megabuilding apartment towers provide more spacious accommodations for the low price of sharing an elevator with thousands of other people.
“Still cheaper than a studio downtown.” - CyberIda holly
Cyberpunk Apartments! A battlemap set on the 1203 floor of a massive residential mega structure. Containing bodegas, Night clubs, Hacker Lairs, and Drug dens! Everything you need towering above the city below. Never go outside again!
This map contains 11 variations, Each in a Cyberpunk vibe. Inspired by Night City but kept open as to fit into any Dark future or sci-fi setting. Perhaps it’s a criminal satellite or a building in the seeder parts of coruscant!