Pipe Works


Pipe Works! Deep below the city, down in the ducts that feed air and power to the mega buildings above, a second hidden society thrives, humming with life creeping in shadows. Those who go down rarely come out either because they can't afford to, or… well..

Some gigs are going to require you to get creative with your entrance and the ducts below the city are always an option. But let me tell you, they got to be the final last option. Between the fumigations, the cavernous drops, the radiation, the phycos, and the corp vampires…

All I’m saying is sometimes sneaking is more dangerous than blasting your way in through the front door.

But if you really wanna pop a sewer grate and crawl inside, be my guest.

This map includes 8 variations. The pipeworks, Inspired by the stories of the Underground of Night City, Flooded and unflooded. A homeless camp, steampunk, In a storm, an overpass, oil rig and spaceport!

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