Flooded Caverns
They were worshiping a dragon, not even a living one. An actual skeleton, It’s quite sad how badly these creatures want to serve… it would be a lot sadder without a caltrop in my foot though. ~Ida Holly
A whole dungeon that’s also a phased map! In the flooded caverns a den of kobolds has laid their trap, Protecting their lair with collapsing paths, they flood the tunnels trapping the adventurer’s outside as the water rises threatening to down them unless they act quickly!
Deep under the lake an underground river slowly takes water in from above, a series of Blockade walls slow the flow enough that the water can flow out of the cave at the same rate. The Kobolds of the cavern have discovered this and attached a chain around them, giving them a lever that when pulled floods the caves.
Our heroes, tasked with rooting out or destroying this colony of Kobolds now find themselves at the rushing water’s mercy. They are trapped outside their lair protected from the flood by a few controlled tunnel collapses to the kobold's delight.
This map is inspired by the movie Princess and the Goblin if you’ve ever seen it. There is this whole sequence where the underground caves become flooded. And I was thinking about how cool it would be to have a whole dungeon as a phased map instead of my usual encounter area, and how fun that scene would be to run as a DnD game. Just imagine trying to fight an enemy as rushing water threatens to pull you off your feet!
They were worshiping a dragon, not even a living one. An actual skeleton, It’s quite sad how badly these creatures want to serve… it would be a lot sadder without a caltrop in my foot though. ~Ida Holly
A whole dungeon that’s also a phased map! In the flooded caverns a den of kobolds has laid their trap, Protecting their lair with collapsing paths, they flood the tunnels trapping the adventurer’s outside as the water rises threatening to down them unless they act quickly!
Deep under the lake an underground river slowly takes water in from above, a series of Blockade walls slow the flow enough that the water can flow out of the cave at the same rate. The Kobolds of the cavern have discovered this and attached a chain around them, giving them a lever that when pulled floods the caves.
Our heroes, tasked with rooting out or destroying this colony of Kobolds now find themselves at the rushing water’s mercy. They are trapped outside their lair protected from the flood by a few controlled tunnel collapses to the kobold's delight.
This map is inspired by the movie Princess and the Goblin if you’ve ever seen it. There is this whole sequence where the underground caves become flooded. And I was thinking about how cool it would be to have a whole dungeon as a phased map instead of my usual encounter area, and how fun that scene would be to run as a DnD game. Just imagine trying to fight an enemy as rushing water threatens to pull you off your feet!

They were worshiping a dragon, not even a living one. An actual skeleton, It’s quite sad how badly these creatures want to serve… it would be a lot sadder without a caltrop in my foot though. ~Ida Holly
A whole dungeon that’s also a phased map! In the flooded caverns a den of kobolds has laid their trap, Protecting their lair with collapsing paths, they flood the tunnels trapping the adventurer’s outside as the water rises threatening to down them unless they act quickly!
Deep under the lake an underground river slowly takes water in from above, a series of Blockade walls slow the flow enough that the water can flow out of the cave at the same rate. The Kobolds of the cavern have discovered this and attached a chain around them, giving them a lever that when pulled floods the caves.
Our heroes, tasked with rooting out or destroying this colony of Kobolds now find themselves at the rushing water’s mercy. They are trapped outside their lair protected from the flood by a few controlled tunnel collapses to the kobold's delight.
This map is inspired by the movie Princess and the Goblin if you’ve ever seen it. There is this whole sequence where the underground caves become flooded. And I was thinking about how cool it would be to have a whole dungeon as a phased map instead of my usual encounter area, and how fun that scene would be to run as a DnD game. Just imagine trying to fight an enemy as rushing water threatens to pull you off your feet!