Facing the villain who’s evil machinations are nearly complete on top of the very machine they have come to destroy as it’s being built! Dodging chains, sparks, and molten iron in this battlemap!
“The legends of the age of magic say an object with sufficient magic thrown into a Quicksilver Crucible emerges as a fully forged humanoid construct, with designs and purpose nearly identical to the intent of the artifact used in its creation.” - Ida Holly
Pouring molten metal overhead spilling from soot blackened Crucible, Sparks and fire leaping out of cooling casts. The factory hums with life and danger in equal measure. Your party arrives with only minutes perhaps seconds left to spare as the machines of industry make evil artifacts of simple slag.
And from under a shower of sparks your enemy walks, their blade dragging in the ash behind them. Standing between you and the completion of their dark work. Battling over the top of it as it’s constructed.
Be it a Mechanical dragon, a fire giant’s sword, or an army of warforged, this map imagines an ironworks the characters have come to shut down before it completes its task. Having them dodge molten metal and chains and smoke as the doomsday device is constructed around them as the battle rages!
Originally this was imagined as a phased map where the factory is alive, but I elected for variations on the map instead to allow for the widest possible array of things being constructed!
Facing the villain who’s evil machinations are nearly complete on top of the very machine they have come to destroy as it’s being built! Dodging chains, sparks, and molten iron in this battlemap!
“The legends of the age of magic say an object with sufficient magic thrown into a Quicksilver Crucible emerges as a fully forged humanoid construct, with designs and purpose nearly identical to the intent of the artifact used in its creation.” - Ida Holly
Pouring molten metal overhead spilling from soot blackened Crucible, Sparks and fire leaping out of cooling casts. The factory hums with life and danger in equal measure. Your party arrives with only minutes perhaps seconds left to spare as the machines of industry make evil artifacts of simple slag.
And from under a shower of sparks your enemy walks, their blade dragging in the ash behind them. Standing between you and the completion of their dark work. Battling over the top of it as it’s constructed.
Be it a Mechanical dragon, a fire giant’s sword, or an army of warforged, this map imagines an ironworks the characters have come to shut down before it completes its task. Having them dodge molten metal and chains and smoke as the doomsday device is constructed around them as the battle rages!
Originally this was imagined as a phased map where the factory is alive, but I elected for variations on the map instead to allow for the widest possible array of things being constructed!

Facing the villain who’s evil machinations are nearly complete on top of the very machine they have come to destroy as it’s being built! Dodging chains, sparks, and molten iron in this battlemap!
“The legends of the age of magic say an object with sufficient magic thrown into a Quicksilver Crucible emerges as a fully forged humanoid construct, with designs and purpose nearly identical to the intent of the artifact used in its creation.” - Ida Holly
Pouring molten metal overhead spilling from soot blackened Crucible, Sparks and fire leaping out of cooling casts. The factory hums with life and danger in equal measure. Your party arrives with only minutes perhaps seconds left to spare as the machines of industry make evil artifacts of simple slag.
And from under a shower of sparks your enemy walks, their blade dragging in the ash behind them. Standing between you and the completion of their dark work. Battling over the top of it as it’s constructed.
Be it a Mechanical dragon, a fire giant’s sword, or an army of warforged, this map imagines an ironworks the characters have come to shut down before it completes its task. Having them dodge molten metal and chains and smoke as the doomsday device is constructed around them as the battle rages!
Originally this was imagined as a phased map where the factory is alive, but I elected for variations on the map instead to allow for the widest possible array of things being constructed!